Acordo Certo - Negociação de Dívidas - CPA
Offer Id: 15468
Aim Payment Processing PostClick Accept rate
Contrato Fechado
Currency: BRL
Aim id: 22464 (Active)
4.2 R$ maximum 45 days
30 days 93.37%

Geo targeting:



A Acordo Certo, recentemente adquirida pela Boa Vista, é uma empresa de negociação de dívidas online que nasceu para ajudar os mais de 63 milhões de brasileiros (cerca de 68% das famílias do país) que estão endividados.


  • Negociação de dívidas online
  • Atendimento personalizado
  • Facilidade na negociação de débitos
  • Site 100% seguro

Landings (1):

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Offer news:

  • 04/11/2024, 17:18 New banners in Acordo Certo - Debt Negotiation - CPA!

    New banners in Acordo Certo - Debt Negotiation - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!

    Come and check it out!

  • 03/10/2024, 21:31 New banners in Acordo Certo - Debt Negotiation - CPA!

    New banners in Acordo Certo - Debt Negotiation - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!

    Come and check it out!

  • 28/09/2023, 17:41 New Promotions and Banners in Acordo Certo - Negociação de Dívidas - CPA!

    New Promotions and Banners in Correct Agreement - Debt Negotiation - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    • Desenrola Brasil: 99% discount on more than 45 companies!
    Come Enjoy!

  • 04/08/2023, 17:01 New Promotions and Banners in Acordo Certo - Negociação de Dívidas - CPA!

    New Promotions and Banners in the Right Agreement - Debt Negotiation - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    • Unwind your debts with a discount of up to 99%!
    Come Enjoy!

  • 10/05/2023, 16:47 New Campaign - Acordo Certo - Negociação de Dívidas - CPA!

    Accord Certo, recently acquired by Boa Vista, is an online debt negotiation company that was born to help the more than 63 million Brazilians (about 68% of the country's families) who are indebted.
    • Geo Brazil
    • Commission of BRL 4.2 per closed contract
    • Available materials
    Come Enjoy!

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