Offer Id: 15616
Aim Payment Processing PostClick Accept rate
Venda Confirmada
Currency: BRL
Aim id: 22659 (Active)
9.1 % (R$) maximum 60 days
30 days 54.55%

Geo targeting:



A Zafina é uma loja online de moda.
Acreditamos que pequenos gestos podem te levar aonde você sempre quis. Um olhar, um sim, aquele seu look no momento certo. Sabemos também que, muitas vezes, as opiniões dos outros te impedem de ser você mesmo(a). Por isso, nosso propósito é te inspirar e te ajudar a tomar aquela pequena atitude que muda o seu dia.
Oferecemos milhares de opções dentro da moda de vestuários, dos mais basiquinhos até os mais sofisticados. Tudo com rapidez, confiança, e produtos passados sobre um rigoroso controle de qualidade.


  • Parcele em até 12x Sem Juros
  • Frete Grátis a partir de R$149
  • 1ª devolução grátis

Venham Conferir!

Landings (1):

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Offer news:

  • 29/11/2024, 00:47 New banners in ZAFINA - MODA - CPA!

    New banners in ZAFINA - MODA - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!

    Come and check it out!

  • 28/11/2024, 17:55 New promotions and coupons in ZAFINA - MODA - CPA!

    New promotions and coupons in ZAFINA - MODA - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!

    • 10% OFF coupon on your first purchase. 
    • Outlet up to 50% OFF on selected products 
    Come and check it out!

  • 16/09/2024, 17:56 Customer Month - New promotions and banners in ZAFINA - MODA - CPA!

    Customer Month - New promotions and banners in ZAFINA - MODA - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    • Customer Month - Discounts of up to 60% OFF
    Come and check it out!

  • 24/11/2023, 01:41 Black Friday - New Promotions and Banners in ZAFINA - MODA - CPA!

    Black Friday - New Promotions and Banners in ZAFINA - MODA - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    • 4 pieces for R$99!
    • 2 pieces for R$59!
    Come enjoy!

  • 10/11/2023, 21:03 Black Friday - New promotions and banners in ZAFINA - FASHION- CPA

    Black Friday - Novas promoções e banners em ZAFINA - MODA - CPA

    • Esquenta Black- Peças com até 50% OFF
    Venham aproveitar!

  • 07/07/2023, 23:13 New Campaign - ZAFINA - MODA - CPA!

    Zafina is an online fashion store.
    We believe that small gestures can take you where you've always wanted to go. A look, a yes, that look of yours at the right time. We also know that, many times, the opinions of others prevent you from being yourself. Therefore, our purpose is to inspire you and help you to take that small action that changes your day.
    We offer thousands of options within clothing fashion, from the most basic to the most sophisticated. All with speed, confidence, and products passed under a rigorous quality control.
    • Geo Brazil
    • Commission of 9.1% per confirmed sale
    • Available materials
    Come Enjoy!

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