ID da campanha: 7813
Meta Pagamento Processando PostClick Taxa Aceitação
Paid order
Moeda: RUR
ID da meta: 16808 (Ativo)
64,10-362 p Máximo 67 dias
Como média 60 dias
30 dias 100%

Segmentação geográfica:

Azerbaijão, Armênia, Bielorrússia, Cazaquistão, Quirguistão, Moldávia, Rússia, Tajiquistão, Turcomenistão, Uzbequistão, Ucrânia


RU-CENTER ("Regional Network Information Center") - Russia's first and the largest professional domain registrar and one of the leading web hosting providers. Today, RU-CENTER - is the flagship of the Group RU-CENTER Group, uniting the largest Russian hosting providers and domain name registrars.

RU-CENTER, established the first administrator of the national domain RU Russian Institute for Public Networks (RIPN), based at the domain registration card RosNIIROS, accumulated all the positive experience gained by the Institute during the period registration activity, and continued to develop in the direction of creating new services and hence, expanding opportunities for its customers, improve the reliability of services, improve service quality. Professional specializing for over 20 years in the registrar business, we provide comfort and convenience to communicate with our specialists, legal protection of domain administration rights and reliability of services provided.

At the moment RU-CENTER services to more than 3 million domain names. We have selected over 750 000 customers, we are working with more than 8,000 partners, our representatives easy to find in all the subjects of the Russian Federation and in 68 countries around the world.

The benefits for webmasters:

  • fast order processing;
  • wide Marketing;
  • a wide variety of sources of traffic;
  • work with the leader in its segment.

Landings (5):

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Notícias da campanha:

  • 16/04/2018, 17:45 "NIC.RU" offer forbids search traffic from 17/04/2018!

    "NIC.RU" offer forbids search traffic! Please stop the traffic from this source. From 17/04/2018 such traffic is not to be paid.