Online Sale - 1.5-6% See the description
Default New Customer- 3.8%
Default Existing Customer - 1.5%
All other - 3%
ID цели: 16797 (Активна) |
1.5-6 % | максимум |
30 дней | 98.64% |
Все страны, исключая: Чехия, Польша, Россия
GoEuro is a platform where prices and timetables for trains, buses and flights in Europe are compared in one search. Publishers can earn for a flat fee every click-out to our travel partners and a % fee for every valid sale on GoEuro.
Лендинги (4):
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16.01.2023 в 14:05
Omio_WW Traffic Quality
The adevrtiser has noticed an increase in PPC violation, so please be extremely attentive concerning your traffic.
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