Aveloz Moda - CPA

ID оффера: 15441
Цель Выплата Обработка Постклик Процент принятия
Venda Confirmada
Валюта: BRL
ID цели: 22433 (Активна)
9.1 % (R$) максимум 60 дней
30 дней 62.5%




Aveloz é uma empresa que surgiu da união de uma família, com uma ideia e anos de experiência no setor de vestuário e moda. Os patriarcas sempre trabalharam com costura personalizada, tecidos e aviamentos, já os filhos estiveram envolvidos no mundo de calçados e tecnologia.


  • Descontos exclusivos 
  • Troca fácil 
  • Entrega para todo o Brasil 
  • Atendimento especializado 
  • Variedade de produtos 

Venham Conferir!

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Новости оффера:

  • 29.11.2024 в 01:02 New banners in Aveloz Moda - CPA!

    New banners in Aveloz Moda - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!

    Come and check it out!

  • 28.11.2024 в 18:03 Black Friday - New promotions in Aveloz Moda - CPA!

    Black Friday - New promotions in Aveloz Moda - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    • Black Friday - Products with up to 60% OFF
    Come and check it out!

  • 24.11.2023 в 03:44 Black Friday - New Promotions, Banners and Landings at Aveloz Moda - CPA!

    Black Friday - New Promotions, Banners and Landings at Aveloz Moda - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    • Black Friday: come check it out!
    Come enjoy!

  • 24.07.2023 в 16:52 Father's Day - New Promotions and Banners in Aveloz Moda - CPA!

    Father's Day - New Promotions and Banners in Aveloz Moda - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    • Gift on Father's Day with Free Shipping!
    • Enjoy Father's Day with our complete men's line!
    Come Enjoy!

  • 07.07.2023 в 19:35 Commission Increase - Aveloz Moda - CPA!

    The commission for the Aveloz Moda - CPA campaign increased to 9.1% per confirmed sale.
    Come enjoy!

  • 03.07.2023 в 17:54 New Promotions and Banners in Aveloz Moda - CPA!

    New Promotions and Banners in Aveloz Moda - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    • Free shipping to the south and southeast region on purchases over R$ 49.00!
    Come Enjoy!

  • 16.06.2023 в 16:06 Commission Adjustment - Aveloz Moda - CPA!

    The commission for the Aveloz Moda - CPA campaign was adjusted to 8% per confirmed sale.

  • 25.05.2023 в 17:55 New Promotions and Coupons in Aveloz Moda - CPA!

    New Promotions and Coupons in Aveloz Moda - CPA! Make the most of this campaign!
    • Free shipping this month in the South and Southeast Regions!
    • Use the coupon and guarantee 10% OFF!
    Come Enjoy!

  • 11.04.2023 в 15:28 New Campaign - Aveloz Moda - CPA!

    Aveloz is a company that emerged from the union of a family, with an idea and years of experience in the clothing and fashion sector. The patriarchs have always worked with custom sewing, fabrics and accessories, while the children have been involved in the world of footwear and technology.
    • Geo Brazil
    • 11.9% commission per confirmed sale
    • Available materials
    Come Enjoy!

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